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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Installing Internet Explorer on Fedora Core 6

After installing Fedora Core 6 on my notebook, i was thinking and curious to try to install Internet Explorer on this distro to see how it works. To make it happen, all we need to do is to get wine and and cabextract file. To get this two files, we need to use yum to download both of it.

1. Open Terminal, make sure you are root. Type : yum -y install wine*

2. Finish downloading installing wine files

3. After installing the wine, the next step is to yum the cabextract. Type the command : yum -y install cabextract

4. Get the ie4slinux file using wget command.

5. Then, untar the ies4linux-latest.tar.gz file using this command : tar zxvf ies4linux-latest.tar.gz

6. You will be asked a few question regarding the Internet Explorer installation. Just follow the instruction.

7. The related file will be downloaded and the installation will be run automatically.

8. There should be no problem at all when you are reaching this step unless in a certain situation you are facing problem. Thank god, the installation is finish.... :-) After this step, what you need to do is type this command : ie6 and hit Enter

9. Finally, the Internet Explorer is on your Linux distro. The congratulation page will be appear to tell that your installation are successful. There are also a Internet Explorer icon at your desktop. Just click it to use it.

10. The Internet Options are still like on Windows. Surfing until die.... ;-p

Sick of viewing the too many Windows? Check this out

When using GUI to open up a file, sometimes it will make you feel dizzy. Why? Because multiple windows will appear. Imagine, you just want to view httpd.conf file but on your desktop, there are many windows appear. All you need to do is just follow this very simple step :

1. Open Computer
2. Click on Edit > Preferences
3. Behavior > Choose Always open in browser windows > Close
4. Try to re-open back the directory
5. No multiple windows on your desktop anymore
6. Have a nice day!!! :-)

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